This small gallery room is filled with works derived from geometric forms and scientific research, as well as those that seek movement in space and on a plane. Works by artists whose artistic concerns are physical phenomena, scientifically studied and explained, drawing inspiration from the achievements of science - mathematics and physics. These artists use geometric forms (Henryk Stażewski, Adam Marczyński), signs (Jan Tarasin); they strive to show movement (Maria Jarema, Jan Ziemski), colour (Stefan Gierowski, Aleksandra Jachtoma) and light, which is an element of all compositions, especially the paintings of Marian Bogusz and Mieczysław Wiśniewski. The most revolutionary works here seem to be those of Edward Krasiński and Jan Berdyszak - artists who with their art annexed the real non-image space of the Old Town Hall. In his visionary works, Berdyszak sought to blur the boundary between the image and the space around it, thus between illusion and reality. A different but equally important role was played by space in Krasiński's realisations, whose Intervention marks the beginning for the blue line. In this gallery room, Krasiński's famous blue line marks the space of the window wall alone.