We would like to invite you on a journey through the chapels and wayside crosses located in the municipality of Górzno.
At the end of this text, you will find a link to the publication, which contains information, photographs and a map of the location of the objects. The publication also contains information about four objects located outside the commune, but within the Górzno parish.
In addition, it mentions four statues that were placed in roadside shrines. There is no trace of them today, as they were destroyed during the Second World War. As you will read, many chapels and crosses were destroyed or hidden by the local people who did not want them to be taken by the Nazi occupation. The accompanying overview map will allow you to locate the various sites, but the numbers do not necessarily suggest to you the order in which you should visit. Construct your own unique route. This publication was created thanks to the work and commitment of many people. One of them is Mrs. Maria Kabat, who first started documenting the shrines several years ago by riding her bicycle and taking photographs with her analogue camera. The photographs and the information she collected could be seen in 2013 during an exhibition at Gminny Ośrodek Kultury w Górznie. (The Municipal Cultural Centre in Górzno).
The initiative „Szlakiem gminnych kapliczek i krzyży” (‘On the trail of communal shrines and crosses'), submitted and led by members of Parafialny Klub Seniora im. św. Jana Pawła II oraz Koło Gospodyń Wiejskich (The Saint John Paul’s II Parish Senior Citizens' Club and the Circle of Rural Housewives of the town of Górzno) was part of the project „Górzno / Nowe spojrzenie”. (Górzno – the New Look).
It was conducted by Gminny Ośrodek Kultury w Górznie (the Górzno Community Cultural Centre) within the framework of Narodowe Centrum Kultury „Dom Kultury + Inicjatywy lokalne 2020”. (the National Cultural Centre programme: “Culture House + Local Activities 2020'). It is the result of meetings, consultations, and conversations with residents during trips and walks around the municipality, and it is worth mentioning that it was created during the difficult time of the COVID 19 pandemic. In addition, each place was marked with three words, the modern locating system what3words, a brief description of which you will find in the publication.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we owe the publication of this guide to the inhabitants of the town and commune of Górzno, the mayors, the founders of the shrines and crosses, and their families, who have kept alive the tradition and handed down the history of our small homeland from generation to generation.